Comparison of propagated differences view and major structure differences view
The illustrations in this topic compare the Rhapsody DiffMerge view of showing all propagated differences versus the view of showing only major structure differences.
Show all propagated differences
The following illustration shows all propagated differences. This means that the
preference is turned off, which is the default. For
example, you renamed a package. When you show all propagated differences, this means all elements
that are related to the package show as secondary differences. Therefore, in this example:
- The Rhapsody DiffMerge browser in the illustration shows that the Default package was renamed to NewDefault.
- The browser at the base of the illustration shows that the object model diagram has a dependency to the Default package. Therefore, the product reports a change for the dependency also.
Show only major differences
The following illustration shows only major structure differences. This means that
the SuppressRenamePropagatedDiffs
is turned on (the checkbox is selected), which
means that all elements related to the package will not show as secondary differences.
Therefore, in this illustration:
- The Rhapsody DiffMerge browser that appears in the following illustration shows that the Default package was renamed to NewDefault.
- The browser at the base of the illustration shows that the
object model diagram has a dependency to the Default package, but the product does not
report a change for the dependency. This is because when the
setting is turned on, all secondary differences are suppressed.