Customizing existing properties

You can customize the existing Rhapsody® subjects, metaclasses, and properties or create new ones.

About this task

There are many reasons for creating or modifying subjects, metaclasses and properties. For example, you might be using an unsupported OS, compiler (configuration), or configuration management tool.

When creating a subject, you can keep existing metaclasses and properties intact. For example, the OMUContainers, OMContainers, and STLContainers subjects are all different subjects which contain the same metaclasses and properties.

Likewise, when creating a metaclass, you can keep existing subjects and properties intact. You can also create new properties under existing subjects and metaclasses. For example, if you were using a testing tool that Rhapsody did not support, you might create new properties under an existing metaclass.

You can create new metaclasses and properties using existing Rhapsody properties.


For example, to add a new configuration management tool to Rhapsody :

  1. In the factory.prp file, locate the CM tool property.
  2. To the comma-separated enum values string, add the name of the new CM tool.
  3. If you want this tool to be the default CM tool, change the second quoted string from None to the name of the new tool.

    When you restart Rhapsody , you will see the name of the new CM tool listed in the list of the Modify window for the CM tool property.
  4. Block and copy the section of code for an existing metaclass. Be sure to include the closing "end" for the metaclass block.
  5. Rename the new metaclass to the name you specified in Step 2.
  6. Edit the value of every property in the new metaclass, depending on the requirements for CM commands within the individual CM tool.

    To do the final step, see the documentation for the CM tool to determine the syntax for commands in that tool. Once you know what information the CM tool requires and the syntax of commands in that tool, you can use regular expression syntax and Rhapsody ‑internal variables to create the appropriate command strings for the tool.


Note: Do not change the original settings in the factory.prp file because you would not be able to roll back to the default settings.