Creating Simulink structure models from Rhapsody blocks

You can create the Simulink structure of a model from a Rhapsody block.

About this task

You can add Flowports to a SimulinkBlock if the model has a Simulink profile applied to a class or block, and also has a SimulinkBlock stereotype. The Flowports on the block are transformed into Simulink Inport or Outport. This feature is an opposite mechanism of the Import or Sync Simulink Model, and enables two-way integration with Simulink.


  1. Create a new model, and add the Simulink profile to the model.
  2. Create a new class or block, and stereotype it with a SimulinkBlock stereotype.
  3. Add flowports to the SimulinkBlock.
    SimulinkBlock in Rhapsody
  4. Right-click on the SimulinkBlock, and select Simulink > Export.

    Exported Simulink model


A *.m file called create_model.m is created under Simulink folder.

Rhapsody Block with flowport that have structure typeSimulink stub model with BusObjects