Creating an AR3x_BMT model and an implementation block diagram

You can add an implementation block diagram to an AR3x_BMT model.

Before you begin

Open Rhapsody® Developer for C and create an AUTOSAR model in your project, either by developing it in Rhapsody , or by importing AUTOSAR XML (ARXML) into the model.


  1. Create an AR3x_BMT model:
    1. Select File > New.
    2. On the New Project window, for the project type, select AR3x_BMT.
    3. Click OK.
      Your model is created, and the AR3x_BMT, AUTOSAR_31 and MicroC profiles are in the Profiles folder in the model browser.
  2. Create an initial Rhapsody implementation block diagram:
    1. In your AR3x_BMT project, find the default diagram in the ARBMTPackages folder. Highlight rimbdiagram_0 and rename the diagram according to the implementation it defines.
      ARBMTPackages directory listing RIMB diagrams.
    2. For detailed information about implementing an atomic software component type, see Defining RIMBs.