Applying the AR3x_BMT profile

You can apply the AR3x_BMT profile, that supports the Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) concept-to-code in the Behavior Modeling Tool (BMT) environment, to Rhapsody® projects designed in the C language.

About this task

In an AR3x_BMT project, you can control both an AUTOSAR system and the Rhapsody implementations for atomic software component types of that system. An AR3x_BMT project has the full capabilities of an AUTOSAR_3x project.

In an AR3x_BMT project, you can organize the model in two specific packages:

  • The ARPackages package that contains the AUTOSAR system design, such as atomic software component types, internal behaviors, runnables, and other elements. These elements are used to export AUTOSAR XML (ARXML). You can also create these elements by importing an ARXML file.
  • The ARBMTPackages package that contains the Rhapsody implementation blocks and related elements that are used to implement atomic software component types. A Rhapsody implementation block is a class whose instances are used to implement AUTOSAR atomic software components. This type of implementation block is a special AUTOSAR class; it bridges the AUTOSAR domain and the Rhapsody UML domain.