Modifying the features of a classifier role

About this task

The Features window enables you to change the features of a classifier role, including its realization. A classifier role has the following features:

  • Name specifies the name of the classifier role. To enter a detailed description of the classifier role, use the Description tab.
  • L specifies the label for the element, if any.
  • Stereotype specifies the stereotype of the element, if any. They are enclosed in guillemets, for example «s1» and enable you to tag classes for documentation purposes.
    • To select from a list of current stereotypes in the project, click the Select Stereotype button Select Stereotype button.
    • To sort the order of the selected stereotypes, click the Change Stereotype Order button Change Stereotype Order button.
      Note: The COM stereotypes are constructive; that is, they affect code generation.
  • Realization specifies the class being realized by the instance line.
  • Decomposed specifies the referenced sequence diagram for the instance line, if you are using part decomposition. For more information, see Creating a part decomposition.
  • Description describes the classifier role. This field can include a hyperlink.