Overriding statechart textual information

The Features window for textual information in statecharts (state entry and exit actions, and guards and actions for transitions and static reactions) include the Overridden check box. By enabling or disabling this check box, you can easily override and unoverride statechart inheritance without actually changing the model. As you toggle the check box on and off, you can view the inherited information in each of the window fields, and can decide whether to apply the information or revert to the currently overridden information.

About this task

To apply the change, click OK. The transition changes to
doServe(params->rounds) and it is displayed in blue text instead of gray because it is no longer overridden.

If you override the textual information, the display colors and statechart change as follows:

  • If you unoverride the textual information of a transition or state, the label color reverts to gray.
  • If you unoverride a transition target, the transition color reverts to gray and the graphics are synchronized to the new target.