Generation_Rules_CustomizationGeneration Rules Customization


Rhapsody ® in Ada uses a rule-base engine for its code generation. The rules are written using a combination of WYSIWYG (“What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get”) templates and java macros to describe the desired contents for the generated Ada code. Each user can create his own rules, and use them when generating code from the application.

Rules Modification

The rules are available for modification by using the RulesComposer in tools menu of Rhapsody. Choose the Rhapsody Developer for Ada ruleset in RulesComposer’s Welcome page, to launch the RulesComposer with the Rhapsody Developer for Ada rules. From the user-friendly interface, the rules are fully modifiable. See the documentation in the <Rhapsody>\Sodius\RulesComposer\help directory.

Legacy UML 1.3 metamodel based ruleset

With the release of Rhapsody 7.0, there has been a change in the underlying code generation RuleSet. Instead of being based on the UML 1.3 metamodel, the RuleSet is now based on the Rhapsody metamodel.

The main benefits of this change are the following :

  • Performance improvements gained from the elimination of the Rhapsody to UML transformation
  • Better support of Rhapsody unique features

Existing customizations of the legacy UML 1.3 metamodel based RuleSet should be migrated to the Rhapsody metamodel based RuleSet