Keyboard shortcuts for the help system in the product

You can use shortcuts to control the help system by using the keyboard.

Table 1. Help system keyboard shortcuts
Key combination Context Function
F6 Anywhere in the help browser Puts focus in the next browser frame. 
F6+Shift Anywhere in the help browser Puts focus in the previous browser frame.
Right Arrow Navigation tree Expand section
Left Arrow Navigation tree Collapse section
Down Arrow or Tab Navigation tree Move to next topic node
Up Arrow or Shift+Tab Navigation tree Move to previous topic node
Enter Navigation tree Displays the selected topic in the Content frame
Tab Content frame Next link or toolbar icon
Home Content frame Move to top of frame
End Content frame Move towards the end of frame
Alt+Left Arrow Content frame Back
Alt+Right Arrow Content frame Forward
Ctrl+P Content frame Print


To open a topic by using keyboard shortcuts and have the content read by a screen reader:
  1. Start the screen reader application.
  2. Open the help system in the browser.
  3. Press F6 three times to move the focus into the Contents pane.
  4. Press Tab to navigate to a container that you want to open. Example: Installing
  5. Press the Right Arrow to expand the section.
  6. Press Tab to navigate to a topic that you want to open.
  7. Press Enter to open the topic contents.
  8. Press F6 three times to move the focus into the topic pane. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, the topic contents are read by the screen reader application.
  9. If you are using Internet Explorer, press the Down Arrow to make the screen reader application read the topic contents.