Bubble knob control properties

The following table lists the properties that appear on the Properties tab of the Control Properties window for a bubble knob control.

Table 1. Bubble knob control properties
Device settings Explanation
BackgroundColor To change the background color for the control, click the drop‑down arrow associated with it and select a color from the Palette tab that displays.
DivisionLIneThickness To change the thickness of the major division lines (also referred to tick markers), change the value associated with it. The default value is 2.
DotColor To change the color for the dot (indicator mark) on the Bubble Knob control, click the drop‑down arrow associated with it and select a color from the Palette tab that displays.
EndAngle To change the distance around the dial (between the minimum and maximum values), change the value associated with it. The default value is -45.
Font To change the font for the text (for example, the numbers) on the control, click the Ellipses button associated with it and select a font from the Font window that displays. The default value is Arial.
GradientFactor To change the gradient factor for the control, change the value associated with it. The higher the number the more pronounced the gradient for the appearance of the knob, which displays as light to dark. The default value is 0.7.
LineColor To change the color of all the tick markers, click the drop‑down arrow associated with it and select a color from the Palette tab that displays.
MaximumValue To change the maximum value for the control, change the value associated with it. The default value is 100.
MinimumValue To change the minimum value for the control, change the value associated with it. The default value is 0.
NumberOfDivisions To change the number of major division lines (tick markers) for the control, change the value associated with it. The default value is 10.

For example, with the maximum value set at 100, minimum value at 0, and division value at 5, your Bubble Knob control would show major tick markers at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100.

NumberOfSubdivisions To change the number of minor division lines (tick markers) between two major ones, change the value associated with it. The default value is 1, which means no minor tick marker displays between two major tick markers. For example, to make three subdivision areas appear between two major markers, enter a value of 3.
RelativeBubbleRadius To change the relative bubble radius for the control, change the value associated with it. This setting regulates the relative size of the Bubble Knob control, which includes its number scale. The default value is 0.6.
RelativeDotPositionRadius To change the placement (closer or farther away) of the dot indicator relative to the 0 value marker, change the value associated with it. The default value is 0.75.
RelativeDotRadius To change the size of the dot indicator, change the value associated with it. The default value is 0.11.
RelativeExternalRadius To change the relative external radius for the control, change the value associated with it. This setting changes the length of the major and minor tick markers while still on the control. The default value is 1.1.
RelativeInternalRadius To change the relative internal radius for the control, change the value associated with it. This setting changes the length of the major and minor tick markers and how far away they are from the bubble. The default value is 1.
RelativeTextRadius To change the relative text radius for the control, change the value associated with it. This setting changes the distance between the scale numbers and their associate tick makers. The default value is 0.98.
StartAngle To change the position of the minimum value marker and the dot indicator, change the value associated with it. The default value is 225.
SubdivisionLineThickness To change the thickness of the minor division lines (tick markers), change the value associated with it. The default value is 1.
TextColor To change the color for the text (scale numbers) on the control, click the drop‑down arrow associated with it and select a color from the Palette tab that displays.
Value To change the default placement of the dot indicator, change the value associated with it. The default value is 0.
ValueFormatString To change the value format of the numbers on the control, change the value associated with it. The default value is %.0f, which shows numbers, for example, as 0, 10, 20, and so on. For the value %.1f, the control would show number as 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, and so on.