Constraint-related calculations with the Parametric Constraint Evaluator

You can use the user interface for the Parametric Constraint Evaluator to facilitate the use of the evaluator with other software.


  1. To open the user interface of the Parametric Constraint Evaluator, right-click a constraint view, and select Open ConstraintView. You perform the following tasks from this user interface for the Parametric Constraint Evaluator.
  2. To generate an HTML report, click the Generate Report button.
  3. To refresh the displayed values from your model, click the Refresh from model button.
  4. To update the attribute or tag values in your model:
    1. Enter the values in the Value column for the relevant attributes or tags.
    2. Click the Update Model button.
      Note: The values that you entered are now the original value. If you click the Refresh button, you see the values updated in the Original Value column.
    3. To export the displayed data to a ,csv file, click the Export Data button.
  5. To import data into the Parametric Constraint Evaluator, click the Import Data button, and select the .csv file to import.
  6. To export the data to the format used by the solver you are using, for example, the .m file for MATLAB, click the Export Evaluator button.
  7. To export the plot command for a solver into a file so that you can edit the plot command in a text editor:
    1. Click the Plot button in the user interface of the Parametric Constraint Evaluator.
    2. Add a graph or select an existing one. If you click the Add button to add a graph, type the name of the graph and click OK.
    3. To return to the Plot Settings window; click the Next button to assign the settings for your new graph, such as set the primary variable, secondary variable, labels, resolution .
    4. Click Finish.
    5. On the Plot Settings window, select the graph that you want, for example, plot2d or the graph you created, and click the Export button.
    6. On the Save As window, assign the name and location for the plot command file, and then click the Save button.

      You can open the plot (.plt) file with a text editor, such as Windows Notepad. Notice in the browser that a Hyperlinks category has been added to the constraint view to which you exported a plot command.