Adding Accept Time Event actions

You can add an Accept Time Event to signify when an implicit timer starts or expires in a systems engineering activity diagram.

About this task

The time event is waiting for a timeout of some given number of milliseconds. This timeout starts its counting backward at the moment the AcceptTimeEvent is triggered.
Note: You can use the QuickFood sample for an activity diagram example for a system engineers. The sample is in the Rhapsody installation directory, ...\Samples\SystemSamples\ActivitiesDiagramSimulation folder.


  1. Click the Accept Time Event button button to open the activity diagram. To add an event to the diagram, click on Accept Time Event buttonAccept Time Event button in the Diagram Tools box. Drag and drop the event on the diagram where you want the time event to be placed.

    Adds an element that denotes the expiration of an implicit timer that begins timing as soon as the owning activity starts to run.

  2. Right-click on the time event to open the Features window. In the Duration field specify the duration of the timer. If no time units are shown, then milliseconds are assumed.