Specifying settings for a configuration

About this task

To specify settings for a configuration, on the Settings tab:

Note: The values of each of these fields are appended to the settings fields of the component that owns the configuration.
  • Directory specifies the root directory for files generated for the configuration. This box is available only if the Use Default option is not selected. You can specify either a full path or a partial path that uses the current directory as the starting point.
  • Use Default check this box to use the default directory for the configuration. The default location is named after the configuration and is a subdirectory of the project directory.
  • Libraries specifies additional off-the-shelf, legacy code, or Rhapsody® -generated libraries to be added to the link. This box is relevant only for executable files.
  • Additional Sources specifies the external source files to be compiled with the generated sources. Rhapsody adds these files to the project makefile.
  • Standard Headers specifies the header files to be added to #include statements in every file generated for the project. Specify a full path or the file name. If you specify only the file name in this field, specify the directory in the Include Path field.
  • Include Path specifies the directory in which the include files for a configuration are located. The include path is added to the makefile generated for a configuration. For example, if you set the include path to d:\Rhapsody\MMM, the following code is generated in the makefile:
        INCLUDE_PATH= \
  • Instrumentation specifies whether the executable file will have animation or tracing capabilities, or neither. Select the appropriate value from the Instrumentation Mode list.

    Click the Advanced button to specify the instrumentation scope, which determines the set of Rhapsody classes, packages, and actors that are instrumented in the associated configuration. This functionality enables you to enable or disable animation of classes (or entire packages) without changing the model elements themselves.
  • Webify specifies whether to enable the configuration for the Web.
    Note: You cannot webify a file-based C model.
  • Time Model specifies real or simulated time. With real-time emulation, timeouts and delays are computed based on the system clock. With simulated time, a virtual timer orders timeouts and delays, which are posted whenever the system completes a computation.
  • Statechart Implementation specifies whether the statechart implementation is Reusable or Flat (the default). The reusable model implements states as classes, whereas the flat model implements states as simple enumerated types. Reusable is preferable for models with deep class inheritance hierarchies, whereas flat is preferable for models with shallow or no inheritance.
  • Environment Settings specifies the following information about the target environment:
    • Environment specifies the target environment
    • Build Set specifies whether to generate a debug or non-debug (Release) version of the executable file
    • Compiler Switches specifies the compiler switches applied by default when compiling each file
    • Link Switches specifies the link switches applied by default when linking the compiled code
    • Additional Settings specifies that you want to integrate CodeTEST with Rhapsody Developer for C® and Rhapsody Developer for C++, if you have CodeTEST on your system. Otherwise, this button is unavailable.

      When you click this button, Rhapsody displays the Additional Settings window. This window contains the following fields:
      • With Applied Microsystems CodeTEST enables the integration with CodeTEST.
      • CodeTEST settings enables you to edit the compilation switches that will be added to the CodeTEST instrumentation line in the generated makefile. The value of the CodeTEST settings field corresponds to the value of the CodeTestSettings property for the VxWorks environments.