Lesson 14: Add a domain participant for your subscriber entity (waitset scenario)

In this lesson, you add a domain participant for your MySubscriber_Synchronous subscriber entity.


  1. Select the SubscriberPkg_WaitSet package in the browser, and use the pop-up menu to add a new domain participant to the package.
  2. Open the Features window for the domain participant.
    1. On the General tab, name the domain participant MySubscribingApplication_WaitSet and click Apply. Notice that by default the same name has also been entered in the Directory field, and Executable has been selected in the Type area.
    2. On the Scope tab, make sure that the scope is set to SubscriberPkg_WaitSet. If other check boxes are selected, clear them. Click OK.
  3. Select the DefaultConfig configuration under MySubscribingApplication_WaitSet, and open the Features window for the configuration.
    1. On the Initialization tab, enter the following code into the Initialization code field: itsMySubscriber_Synchronous.dataReadingLoop();
    2. On the Settings tab, select the MSVC or Linux environment, and then click OK.
    3. If you selected MSVC in the previous step, go to the Properties tab and set the value of the CPP_CG::MSVC::IDEVersion property to reflect the version of MS Visual Studio you are using (VC11 for Visual Studio 2012, VC14 for Visual Studio 2015, and VC15 for Visual Studio 2017).
    4. Modify the value of the CPP_CG::RTIMSVC::LibPath property (if you are developing a Windows application) or the CPP_CG::RTILinux::LibPath property (if you are developing a Linux application). The value of the property should be the name of the RTI library directory appropriate for your environment. The directory names reflect the following variables: 32-bit or 64-bit, the operating system, and the compiler. For example, if you are running 64-bit Windows and using the Visual Studio 2017 compiler, the appropriate library directory is x64Win64VS2017. Check the names of the library directories in your RTI installation to verify that you have entered the directory name correctly.
  4. Add a dependency from the DefaultConfig configuration to the MySubscriber_Synchronous subscriber.
  5. Open the Features window for the dependency, and select the General tab.
    1. In the Stereotype field, select Usage in PredefinedTypes.
    2. Make sure that the Usage field is set to Specification. Click OK.
  6. Add a dependency from the MySubscribingApplication_WaitSet domain participant to the MyTopicStructLib domain participant.
  7. Open the Features window for the dependency, and select the General tab.
    1. In the Stereotype field, select Usage in PredefinedTypes.
    2. Make sure that the Usage field is set to Specification. Click OK.

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you learned how to add a domain participant to your MySubscriber_Synchronous subscriber entity. In the next lesson, you will add a waitset element and define a status condition.