You can add equations to parametric diagrams, and automatically
create constraint parameters.
- Right-click on a constraint to open its
Features window.
- Type the equation in the Description area
and click OK to save the equation and close
the window.
- To display the equation in the constraint,
right-click it and select Display Options.
- Click the Compartments button.
- Select Description from
the Available list and click the Display button
to move Description to the Displayed column.
- Click OK to save this change.
You might want to perform this action on each of the constraints
containing an equation.
- To automatically create constraint parameters according
to the equation in the constraint, add an equation to a ConstraintBlock or ConstraintProperty,
such as w + u = z.
- Right-click the ConstraintBlock or ConstraintProperty,
and select Create Parameters From Constraints.
Parameter constraints appear according to the variables
in your equation, such as w, u,
and z.