Lesson 6: Create publisher and dataWriter entities

In this lesson, you create a package in which you create a ddsDiagram diagram. On this diagram, you add the publisher element. This element is your publisher entity. Then, you create a dataWriter entity for your publisher entity.


  1. Create a publisher entity:
    1. Create a package named PublisherPkg
    2. For the PublisherPkg package, create a ddsDiagram diagram named PublisherDiagram
    3. In the PublisherDiagram diagram, click the publisher icon publisher icon on the Drawing toolbar, and then click the diagram
    4. Open the Features window for the publisher element and on the General tab, name it MyPublisher, and then click OK
  2. Create a dataWriter entity inside the MyPublisher entity:
    1. On the Drawing toolbar, click the dataWriter icon dataWriter icon
    2. On the PublisherDiagram diagram, click the MyPublisher entity
    3. Open the Features window for the dataWriter element and enter the following information:
      1. On the General tab, name the element MyDataWriter
      2. On the Tags tab, indicate that the dataWriter entity is to update the MyTopic topic: For the topic field, select MyTopic
  3. Close the Features window for the MyDataWriter entity.


Your PublisherDiagram diagram resembles the following figure.
PublisherDiagram diagram
In the browser, PublisherPkg resembles the following figure.
browser window with PublisherPkg package

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you learned how to create a publisher entity and a dataWriter entity.

In the next lesson, you will add a domain participant to the publisher entity.