Lesson 15: Add Waitset and StatusCondition to the model

In this lesson, you add Waitset and StatusCondition elements to your DDS diagram.


  1. Open the Subscriber_Synchronous_Model ddsDiagram.
  2. Select the waitSet tool on the Drawing toolbar and click the diagram. Name the waitSet itsMyWaitSet.
  3. Select the statusCondition tool on the Drawing toolbar, and use it to connect itsMyWaitSet to the MyDataReader data reader on itsMySubscriber_Synchronous.
  4. Open the Features window for the statusCondition that you created, and on the Tags tab, set the value of the enabled_statuses tag to DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS:
    1. Click the cell that is following the enabled_statuses.
    2. Click the button with the three dots at the end of the cell.
    3. When the Tag Values window opens, click the cell with the three dots that are associated with Add New.
    4. In the new row that was added, open the drop-down list and select DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS.
    Note: The value of the property CPP_CG::Link::InitCondition for the statusCondition can be modified to customize the initialization code for the statusCondition and the associated waitSet.

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you added Waitset and StatusCondition elements to your DDS diagram. In the next lesson, you will run the application that you created.