Configuring GNATVxWorks support for RiA


  • create a GnatVxMake.bat file in <Rhapsody>\Share\Etc (derive from template below)
    @echo off
    if "%2"=="" set target=all
    if "%2"=="build" set target=all
    if "%2"=="rebuild" set target=clean all
    if "%2"=="clean" set target=clean
    set PATH=C:\GNAT\5.04a\bin;%PATH%
    ECHO Invoking MakeFile
    %1 %2
  • Install RiA, the GNAT for VxWorks compiler will be detected and both the Ada83 and Ada95 framework should be recompiled
  • Update the Ada_CG.Configuration.Environment property in the Sodius.prp file by adding “GNATVxWorks” to the list of available environments


  • Select GNATVxWorks as the environment to use in the configuration environment settings
  • Set the Ada_CG.GNATVxWorksVariant property to select between the “powerpc-wrs-vxworksae” and “powerpc-wrs-vxworksae” versions of the compiler