Baseline Savings

Savings that are generated form a bid based on the historical cost of the item are known as baseline savings. The savings are calculated by deducting the price per unit from the historical cost multiplied by the total bid quantity.

If the value is negative, it indicates that the current bid is more expensive than the bid based on the historical cost.

Formula for baseline savings is:

Baseline savings = (Historical cost - price per unit) x bid quantity

You can view the Baseline Savings field on the Monitor tab of auctions.

The following table displays an example for baseline savings for 3 items.
Table 1. Example for Baseline savings
Item Quantity Baseline Unit Cost Baseline (USD) Current Bid Unit Cost Current Bid (USD) Baseline Savings (USD) Baseline Savings %
2 GB RAM 100` 20.00 2000.00 18.00 1800.00 200.00 10
Keyboard 100 5.00 500.00 4.80 480.00 20.00 4
Mouse 100 2.00 200.00 1.50 150.00 50.00 25