set attributes

Set the attributes of items.


set attribute, set attr


set attributes -w/--workspace <arg ...> ([--name <arg>] [--description <arg>] [--ownedby <arg>] [--visibility <arg>]) [--process-area <arg> | --accessgroup <arg>] [--auto-lock-files <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows]

set attributes -s/--snapshot <arg> [--snapshot-workspace <arg>] [--projectarea <arg>] ([--name <arg>] [--description <arg>] [--iteration <arg>] [--ownedby <arg>]) [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows]

set attributes -C/--component <arg ...> [--name <arg>] ([--ownedby <arg>] [--teamarea-scope] [--visibility <arg>]) [--process-area <arg> | --accessgroup <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows]

set attributes -b/--baseline <arg> [--baseline-component <arg>] ([--name <arg>] [--description <arg>]) [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows]


-r, --repository-uri <arg> The URI that specifies the location of the repository.
-u, --username <arg> The user name for the repository.
-P, --password <arg> The password for the repository.
    --password-file <arg> File that contains the user's password.
    --certificate <arg> The file that contains the user's login certificate.
    --smartCard Use the connected smart card for authentication.
    --kerberos Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNeGO.
    --integratedWindows Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Integrated Windows Authentication.
-w, --workspace <arg ...> This option indicates the workspace or stream to set attributes for. To specify the workspace or stream, use its name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo].
    --name <arg> Name of the item.
    --description <arg> Description of the item.
    --ownedby <arg> Owner of the item. To specify the owner, use user ID, alias, or UUID.
    --visibility <arg> This option indicates the visibility of the item. Valid values are public, private, teamarea, projectarea, accessgroup, or archived.
    --process-area <arg> This option indicates the team area, or project area if --visibility is set to teamarea or projectarea. To specify the team area or project area, use its name, alias, or UUID.
    --accessgroup <arg> This option indicates the access group if --visibility is set to accessgroup. To specify the access group, use its name, alias, or UUID.
    --auto-lock-files <arg> This option indicates the file name patterns separated by commas (for example, *.rpy, *.sbs, *.emx) for files that should be automatically locked or unlocked when performing operations.
-s, --snapshot <arg> This option indicates the snapshot to set attributes for. To specify the snapshot, use the snapshot name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo].
    --snapshot-workspace <arg> The workspace or stream that is associated with the snapshot. To specify the workspace or stream, use its name, alias, or UUID.
    --projectarea <arg> The project area that is associated with the iteration or release to be set on the snapshot. If no project area is specified, the snapshot owners flow target will be used. To specify the projectarea, use its name, alias, or UUID.
    --iteration <arg> This option indicates the iteration of the snapshot. This has to be the full path + name to the iteration to use exactly as it would appear in the process area editor. Example form: parent_timeline/child_timeline/iteration
-C, --component <arg ...> This option indicates the component to set attributes for. To specify the component, use the component name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo].
    --teamarea-scope If --ownedby specifies a team area, restrict component access to only the members of this team area and its child team areas. This option applies only if the component is owned by a team area.
-b, --baseline <arg> This option indicates the baseline to set attributes for. To specify the baseline, use the baseline name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo].
    --baseline-component <arg> The component for the baseline. This option is required if you specify the baseline by using anything other than an alias or UUID.
