
You can find object by using a query for custom attributes. Use the following subcommands to access the custom attributes: set custom-attribute, unset custom-attribute and get custom-attribute.


query [-i/--show-versionid] [-f/--show-full-versionid] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query [-v/--file] [-i/--show-versionid] [-f/--show-full-versionid] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query [-S/--stream] [-m/--maximum <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query [-w/--workspace] [-m/--maximum <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query [-b/--baseline] [-m/--maximum <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query [-s/--snapshot] [-m/--maximum <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query [-C/--component] [-m/--maximum <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query [-c/--changeset] [-m/--maximum <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query [--run] [-m/--maximum <arg>] [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] <query string>

query string A query that matches custom attributes of files and directories. For syntax and examples of query strings, see the help page for "query example". The --run option specifies the UUID or alias of the query to run.


-r, --repository-uri <arg> The URI that specifies the location of the repository.
-u, --username <arg> The user name for the repository.
-P, --password <arg> The password for the repository.
    --password-file <arg> File that contains the user's password.
    --certificate <arg> The file that contains the user's login certificate.
    --smartCard Use the connected smart card for authentication.
    --kerberos Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNeGO.
    --integratedWindows Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Integrated Windows Authentication.
-j, --json Enable JSON output.
-i, --show-versionid Show the version ID for files.
-f, --show-full-versionid Show the full version ID for files.
-v, --file This option indicates that the query will search for files that match the query string. If no object type is specified, the query defaults to the file type.
-S, --stream This option indicates that the query will search for streams that match the query string.
-m, --maximum <arg> The maximum number of results that can be returned. The number must be greater than 0. If you omit this option, 10 is used by default. If you specify "all"/"-" then all possible results are displayed.
-w, --workspace This option indicates that the query will search for repository workspaces that match the query string.
-b, --baseline This option indicates that the query will search for baselines that match the query string.
-s, --snapshot This option indicates that the query will search for snapshots that match the query string.
-C, --component This option indicates that the query will search for components that match the query string.
-c, --changeset This option indicates that the query will search for change sets that match the query string.
    --run This option indicates that the stored query referenced in the query string should be run.
