Authorizing requests for GitHub Enterprise

You can authorize yourself to send Git requests, or a user with JazzAdmin repository group permissions can authorize all users. The authorization status persists across server restarts.

Before you begin

You must be a valid IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) user.

About this task

The authorization for Git requests is based on an instance of Jazz® Team Server and is not based on registered Git repositories. The authorization needs to happen only once on the Jazz Team Server and is valid until you revoke it.

Note: A team that pushes commits is authorized for Git operations.
Note: If a secret key is configured in the webhook, then you do not need to perform this task. In this scenario, EWM validates that the digest of the payload that is calculated by using the secret key is the same as sent by GitHub Enterprise in the header of the message. If so, no explicit user authorization is required.

Every user is required to authorize. Alternatively, if you are a Jazz administrator, you can (optionally) authorize all users on their behalf.


  1. In the web client, on CCM project page, click Source Control > Work with Git.
  2. Under Authorize Git Requests, click Grant Access.
  3. Optional: To revoke access to all users, click Revoke Access.