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Managing keys

All keys can be managed in the Key list view, located at Key management > Keys. The following operations are available in the overflow menu (⋯) of a key, depending on the current state:

Key operations

Generate again

If you need to generate a key with tags filled out similar to an existing key, use the Generate again operation. This prefills the custom tags with the same values as the originating key. In case the <seqno> tag is used, the prefilled value will be incremented to the next available sequence number for the template.

Change state

Using this operation on a key allows you to change it's state.

Key state change

The Key list view also has a multi select function. If you select keys in the same state, you can change state on all of them in one action by pressing the Change state in the dark blue bar at the top of the Key list.

Multi key state change

Align with key template

If the key template for a given key has been updated, you can align the key to the new version of the template.

What changed in key template What happens during align
Keystore(s) added The key will be installed into the additional keystore(s). With this, you can distribute already generated keys to newly defined keystores
Keystore(s) removed The key will be deleted from the removed keystore(s)
Key label tag change If the name of a tag changes, tags get added or removed, then the key can not be aligned with the new template
Key label change If you make changes to your key label that don't affect the tags, a new key is generated. The values from the old key label will be used to fill out the new key label and the key with the old label is uninstalled, while the key with the new label is installed to all keystores defined in the new version of the key template.
Key parameters An align is not possible if other key parameters like key algorithm, key size or key type have been changed in the key template.


If a key was not distributed to a keystore or is simply missing from a keystore, you can restore it to all keystores. Click Restore in the overflow menu of the key. This action distributes the key to all keystores defined in the key template.


When you want to remove a key from all keystores, without deactivating it, you can uninstall the key. Click Uninstall in the overflow menu of the key.