Installing the Contract Authoring Tool

The Authoring Tool integrates the Emptoris® Contract Management application with Word. With this tool, users can open and edit the clause template language or contract language in Word.

Before you begin

The prerequisite software are provided with the authoring tool. The authoring tool wizard prompts you to install them before you install the authoring tool. You must install the software in the following order:

  1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile
  2. Visual Studio Tools for Office

It is also recommended that you install the latest service packs and critical updates from Microsoft before installing this package.

Note: If you are using the application on the Apple Mac OS operating system, you cannot edit the contract in an online mode by using Microsoft Word. Hence, you need not install the Contract Authoring tool. For more information on editing contracts while using the Apple Mac OS operating system, see Online Editing.

About this task

If the Emptoris Contract Management application is upgraded, you must download and install the new version of the Contract Authoring Tool. Ensure that you do the following before downloading the new version of Authoring Tool:

  • Clear the Emptoris folder on your computer. For example, C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\Emptoris.
  • Rename the normal.dotm file. For example C:\Documents and Settings\<user Name>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\normal.dotm.


To install the Contract Authoring Tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that no WINWORD processes are currently running. If there are any WINWORD processes in the memory, end them from the Task Manager.
  2. In the Emptoris Contract Management application, click Tools > Download Authoring Tool.

    The Download Emptoris Contract Authoring Tool window opens.

  3. To download the Contract Authoring Tool along with the prerequisites, click setup.exe.
    Note: If you are using setup.exe to download the Contract Authoring Tool, ensure that your internet connection does not have the proxy setup.
  4. To download the Contract Authoring Tool only, click ECMAuthoringTool.msi.
  5. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the wizard to complete the installation.

What to do next

After installing the Authoring tool, when you open any Word document, you may be prompted to install ECMWordAddin. Click Install to enable ECMWordAddin.

Warning: You must not uninstall or deactivate the Authoring Tool while working with the Contract Editor. This may lead to runtime errors from Word and the Word Editor might stop working. To deactivate the Contract Authoring Tool, go to Word or to the Control Panel.

To reactivate ECMWordAdding, see Activating ECMWordAddin.