Configuring the ISPF application

Configure and invoke the ISPF application.

Before you begin

The Data Virtualization Manager server must be started before you can invoke the ISPF application.


  1. Edit the hlq.SAVZEXEC(AVZ) member, and replace the data set name in the following statement with the data set name that you chose for the hlq.SAVZLOAD library:
  2. Copy the hlq.SAVZEXEC(AVZ) member to a data set that is allocated to the SYSPROC allocation for all TSO users.

    Before starting the ISPF application, you must configure and start your server. See Configuring the started task JCL

  3. To invoke the ISPF application, go to the ISPF command shell and enter the following command:
    • hlq is the high level qualifier.
    • AVZS is the subsystem name of the server instance you defined.

    All ISPF clients will communicate with the specified subsystem.