Calibrate robotic accessor

Starts the calibration task on a specific accessor in the library. This uses the accessor’s sensors to test the X/Y limits of the accessor within the library to ensure accessor movement is performed accurately. This is typically initiated by service or in response to instructions in event fix procedures.

This is not supported for Diamondback as the x/y limits are determined automatically in this case.

Request syntax

POST /v1/tasks {"type": "calibrateAccessor", "accessor": "accessor_A<a|b>"}
Runs the calibration task on the given accessor. This starts a long-running task in the library that is visible from the GUI.

Request body parameters

type (string, required)

The task type to run. In this case, calibrateAccessor.

accessor (string, required)

The accessor that is to be calibrated.


> POST /v1/tasks {"type": "calibrateAccessor", "accessor": "accessor_Aa"}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Accessor: /v1/tasks/42
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 10

{"ID": 47}

Error handling

  • Returns 501 Not Implemented if this is a Diamondback library.