Get events

Retrieves information about the library events.

Request syntax

GET /v1/events
Retrieves a list of all events. Events can be filtered by date or time range and by a specific library component.

GET /v1/events/<ID>
Retrieves information about the events with the specified ID number.

Path parameters

ID (number)

The ID of the event in the library.

Query parameters

after (string, optional)

The time after which events should be viewed. Any event with a time matching or before this will not be returned. Time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. If the time zone is omitted, the system's current time zone is used.

before (string, optional)

The time before which events should be viewed. Any event with a time matching or after this will not be returned. Time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. If the time zone is omitted, the system's current time zone is used.

The REST over Ethernet API requires that "&" be encoded as "%26" when using both after and before parameters in the query:
  • REST over SCSI:
    > GET /v1/events?after=2019-04-03T00:00:00&before=2019-04-04T00:00:00
  • REST over Ethernet:
    > GET /v1/events?after=2019-04-03T00:00:00%26before=2019-04-04T00:00:00


> GET /v1/events?after=2019-04-03T00:00:00&before=2019-04-04T00:00:00
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 45992

          "ID": 1649, 
          "severity": "information", 
          "time": "2019-04-03T11:13:44-0700", 
          "location": null, 
          "user": "System", 
          "description": "The library ran out of licensed LTO storage slots", 
          "state": null, 
          "errorCode": "0217"
     }, {
          "ID": 1645, 
          "severity": "error", 
          "time": "2019-04-03T11:11:15-0700", 
          "location": "position_F1C0R0",
          "user": "System", 
          "description": "Accessor detected an un-calibrated frame.", 
          "state": "Call home initiated", 
          "errorCode": "B792"
     }, {
          "ID": 1644, 
          "severity": "information", 
          "time": "2019-04-03T11:07:22-0700", 
          "location": null, 
          "user": "devService", 
          "description": "A user logged out of the GUI from", 
          "state": null, 
          "errorCode": "0812"
     }, {
          . . .


ID (number)

The ID of the event in the library.

severity (string)
The severity of the event. Values include:
  • error

  • warning

  • inactiveError

  • inactiveWarning

  • information

time (string)

The time the event was created. Time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.

location (string)

The hardware resource where the event originated. This can be null if no hardware was associated with this event. Supported hardware resource location type includes robotic accessors, columns, drives, Ethernet ports, fiducials, frames, frame sides, grippers, I/O stations, slots, and generic positions. Sometimes more than one resource can be involved in which case this is one of the resources.

user (string)

The name of the user that issued the action that caused this event. This can be System if this event did not occur as a result of a user action.

description (string)

A sentence or several sentences describing the event.

state (string)
The current state of the event regarding its call home status. This can be null, if no call home has occurred yet. Values include:
  • Command failed with error code <error code>

  • Calling home

  • Call home initiated

  • Call home failed

  • Call home not attempted because not configured

  • Assigned PMR <PMR number>. Service action required

  • Service action complete by <description>

errorCode (string)

The type of event surfaced, represented by a 4-digit hex error code.