Vormetric Data Security DSM integration process
You can integrate Vormetric Data Security DSM with IBM QRadar.
Use the following procedures:
- If automatic updates are not enabled, download and install the most recent version of the following RPMs from the IBM® Support Website onto your QRadar Console:
- Syslog protocol RPM
- DSMCommon RPM
The minimum version of the DSMCommon RPM that you can use is the DSM-DSMCommon-7.1-530016.noarch.rpm or DSM-DSMCommon-7.2-572972.noarch.rpm
- Vormetric Data Security RPM
- For each instance of Vormetric Data Security, configure your Vormetric Data Security system to enable communication with QRadar.
- If QRadar does not automatically discover the DSM, for each Vormetric Data Security server you want to integrate, create a log source on the QRadar Console.
Related tasks
Configuring your Vormetric Data Security systems for communication with IBM QRadar