Microsoft Azure Platform DSM specifications

When you configure the Microsoft Azure Platform DSM, understanding the specifications for the Microsoft Azure Platform DSM can help ensure a successful integration. For example, knowing what event format is supported before you begin can help reduce frustration during the configuration process.

Table 1. Microsoft Azure Platform DSM specifications
Specification Value
Manufacturer Microsoft
DSM name Microsoft Azure Platform
RPM file name DSM-MicrosoftAzurePlatform-QRadar_version-build_number.noarch.rpm
Supported versions N/A

Microsoft Azure Event Hubs

Event format


Recorded event types

Platform level activity logs

For more information about Platform level activity logs, see Azure Resource Manager resource provider operations (

Automatically discovered? Yes
Note: This DSM automatically discovers only Activity Log Events that are forwarded directly from the Activity Log to the Event Hub.
Includes identity? No
Includes custom properties? No
More information

Microsoft Azure Information page (

Microsoft Azure Portal (