You can add a scanner to define which scan reports in the Security AppScan® are collected by QRadar.
Before you begin
If your AppScan installation is set up to use HTTPS, a
server certificate is required.
QRadar supports certificates
with the following file extensions: .crt, .cert, or .der. To copy a certificate to the
/opt/qradar/conf/trusted_certificates directory, choose one of the following options:
- Manually copy the certificate to the /opt/qradar/conf/trusted_certificates
directory by using SCP or SFTP.
- SSH into the Console or managed host and retrieve the certificate by using the following
command: /opt/qradar/bin/ <IP or Hostname> <optional port -
443 default>. A certificate is then downloaded from the specified host name
or IP and placed into /opt/qradar/conf/trusted_certificates directory in the
appropriate format.
About this task
You can add multiple IBM
scanners to QRadar, each with
a different configuration. Multiple configurations provide QRadar the ability to import AppScan data for specific results. The scan schedule
determines the frequency with which scan results are imported from the REST web service in IBM
- Click the Admin tab.
- Click the VA Scanners icon.
- Click Add.
- In the Scanner Name field, type a name to identify your IBM
Enterprise scanner.
From the Managed Host list, select an option that is based on one of the
following platforms:
- On the QRadar
Console, select the
managed host that is responsible for communicating with the scanner device.
- On QRadar on Cloud, if the scanner is
hosted in the cloud, the QRadar® Console can be
used as the managed host. Otherwise, select the data gateway that is responsible for communicating
with the scanner device.
- From the Type list, select HCL AppScan
In the ASE Instance Base URL field, type the full base URL of the AppScan Enterprise instance. HTTP and HTTPS are supported in
the URL address.
Example: XML API -
Example: JSON API -
From the API Type list, select one of the following options:
- XML (Before v9.02) - If your version of AppScan Enterprise is earlier than v9.02, select this option. This API type uses the AppScan XML REST web service.
- JSON (v9.0.2 and later) - If your version of AppScan Enterprise is version 9.02 or later, select this option. This API type uses the AppScan JSON REST web service.
If you selected XML (Before v9.02) as the API
Type, select one of the following options from the Authentication
Type list:
- Windows Authentication (AppScan Enterprise 9.0 and previous) - Select
this option to use Windows Authentication with the REST web
- AppScan Enterprise Authentication - Select this option to use AppScan Enterprise Authentication with the REST web service.
In the Username field, type the user name to retrieve scan
results from AppScan Enterprise.
In the Password field, type the password to retrieve scan
results from AppScan Enterprise.
In the Report Name Pattern field, type a regular expression (regex) to
filter the list of vulnerability reports available from AppScan Enterprise.
By default, the Report Name Pattern field contains
.* as the regex pattern. The .* pattern imports all
scan reports that are published to QRadar. All matching files
from the file pattern are processed by QRadar. You can specify a group of
vulnerability reports or an individual report by using a regex pattern.
Configure a CIDR range for your scanner:
Type the CIDR range for the scanner or click Browse to select a CIDR
range from the network list.
Click Add.
- Click Save.
- On the Admin tab, click Deploy
What to do next
You are now ready to create a scan schedule for IBM
Enterprise. See Scheduling a vulnerability scan