IBM Security QRadar EDR REST API protocol workflow
You can customize your workflow and workflow parameters based on the default workflow.
A workflow is an XML document that describes the event retrieval process. The workflow defines one or more parameters, which can be explicitly assigned values in the workflow XML or can derive values from the workflow parameter values XML document. The workflow consists of multiple actions that run sequentially.
The default workflow and workflow parameter XML files are available on GitHub. For more information, see IBM Security QRadar EDR ( Update link?
IBM Security QRadar EDR default workflow
The following example shows the default IBM Security QRadar EDR workflow:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Workflow name="ReaQta" version="1.0" xmlns="">
<Parameter name="app_id" label="ReaQta Application ID" required="true" />
<Parameter name="secret_key" label="ReaQta secret key" required="true" secret = "true"/>
<Parameter name="reaqta_host" label="ReaQta Host / IP Address" required="true" />
<!-- Initialize receivedAfter timestamp -->
<!-- 60 mins prior. Get updated at end of doWhile to current time to prepare for next run. -->
<Initialize path="/reaqtaData/receivedAfterMilli" value="${time()}" />
<FormatDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" timeZone="GMT" time="${/reaqtaData/receivedAfterMilli}" savePath="/reaqtaData/receivedAfter_Formatted" />
<!-- set the path to just be /alerts at first, but we will modify this as required in the DoWhile loop -->
<Set path="/reaqtaData/url" value="https://${/reaqta_host}/rqt-api/1/alerts"/>
<!-- Get Auth Token -->
<CallEndpoint url="https://${/reaqta_host}/rqt-api/1/authenticate" method="POST" savePath="/reaqtaAuth/response">
<RequestHeader name="Content-Type" value="application/json" />
<RequestBody type="application/json" encoding="UTF-8">
"id": "${/app_id}"
<If condition="/reaqtaAuth/response/status_code != 200">
<Abort reason="${/reaqtaAuth/response/status_code}: ${/reaqtaAuth/response/status_message}" />
<Set path="/reaqtaAuth/token" value="${/reaqtaAuth/response/body/token}"/>
<Log type="DEBUG" message="We received an auth token: ${/reaqtaAuth/token}." />
<!-- Get alerts -->
<DoWhile condition="not empty(/reaqtaData/response/body/nextPage)"> <!-- There are still alerts to post to QRadar -->
<CallEndpoint url="${/reaqtaData/url}" method="GET" savePath="/reaqtaData/response">
<QueryParameter name="receivedAfter" value="${/reaqtaData/receivedAfter_Formatted}" omitIfEmpty="true" />
<QueryParameter name="sortBy" value="receivedAt:asc" />
<RequestHeader name="Content-Type" value="application/json" />
<RequestHeader name="Authorization" value="Bearer ${/reaqtaAuth/token}" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="We received a total of ${count(/reaqtaData/response/body/result)} Offenses." />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Remaining alerts to retrieve: ${/reaqtaData/response/body/remainingItems}" />
<If condition="/reaqtaData/response/status_code != 200">
<Abort reason="${/reaqtaData/response/status_code}: ${/reaqtaData/response/status_message}" />
<ClearStatus />
<If condition="${count(/reaqtaData/response/body/result)} > 0">
<!-- Post the alerts -->
<!-- Set host as the LSI -->
<PostEvents path="/reaqtaData/response/body/result" source="${/reaqta_host}" />
<ParseDate pattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" date="${max(/reaqtaData/response/body/result/receivedAt)}" timeZone="UTC" savePath="/reaqtaData/receivedAfterMilli"/>
<Set path="/reaqtaData/receivedAfterMilli" value="${/reaqtaData/receivedAfterMilli + 1}" />
<!-- unset this for subsequent loops -->
<Set path="/reaqtaData/receivedAfter_Formatted" value="" />
<!-- Set the next page if present -->
<If condition="not empty(/reaqtaData/response/body/nextPage)">
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Response contained a next page link." />
<Set path="/reaqtaData/url" value="${/reaqtaData/response/body/nextPage}" />
<DNSResolutionTest host="https://${/reaqta_host}"/>
<TCPConnectionTest host="https://${/reaqta_host}"/>
<HTTPConnectionThroughProxyTest url="https://${/reaqta_host}"/>
IBM Security QRadar EDR default workflow parameters
The following example shows the default IBM Security QRadar EDR workflow parameters:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<WorkflowParameterValues xmlns="">
<Value name="app_id" value="App ID goes here"/>
<Value name="secret_key" value="Secret Key Goes here"/>
<Value name="reaqta_host" value="ReaQta Hostname or IP goes here"/>