Seculert Protection REST API protocol workflow
You can customize your workflow and workflow parameters based on the default workflow.
A workflow is an XML document that describes the event retrieval process. The workflow defines one or more parameters, which can be explicitly assigned values in the workflow XML or can derive values from the workflow parameter values XML document. The workflow consists of multiple actions that run sequentially.
The default workflow and workflow parameter XML files are available on GitHub. For more information, see Seculert Protection (
Seculert default workflow
The following example shows the default Seculert workflow:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Workflow name="Seculert" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<Parameter name="apiKey" label="API Key" required="true" />
<Parameter name="queryTimeInterval" label="Query Time Interval" required="true" default="900000" />
<Parameter name="server" label="Server" required="true" default="" />
<Parameter name="apiVersion" label="API Version" required="true" default="1.1" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Initializing bookmark values" />
<!-- Initialize the Bookmark -->
<Initialize path="/bookmarkRecords" value="${time() - /queryTimeInterval}" />
<Initialize path="/bookmarkAlerts" value="${time() - /queryTimeInterval}" />
<Initialize path="/firstRun" value="1" />
<Initialize path="/sevenDays" value="604800000" />
<!-- Event retriever thread is a bit slow to kill error'd out provider threads, this prevents duplicate errors. -->
<If condition="/firstRun = 1" >
<Sleep duration="2000" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Checking if the current bookmarks are older than 7 days." />
<If condition="time() > /bookmarkRecords + /sevenDays" >
<Set path="/bookmarkRecords" value="${time() - /sevenDays}" />
<If condition="time() > /bookmarkAlerts + /sevenDays" >
<Set path="/bookmarkAlerts" value="${time() - /sevenDays}" />
<Set path="/doOnceMore" value="1" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="The current bookmark for bookmarkRecords is /bookmarkRecords" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="The current bookmark for bookmarkAlerts is /bookmarkAlerts" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Iterating through events in till we are caught up." />
<While condition="time() > /bookmarkRecords + /queryTimeInterval or /doOnceMore = 1">
<!-- Get the start/end date. start_time=bookmark. End_time is the bookmark time + X seconds (userconfigurable) -->
<FormatDate pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" timeZone="UTC" time="${/bookmarkRecords}" savePath="/start_time" />
<If condition="time() > /bookmarkRecords + /queryTimeInterval" >
<FormatDate pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" timeZone="UTC" time="${/bookmarkRecords + /queryTimeInterval}" savePath="/end_time" />
<FormatDate pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" timeZone="UTC" time="${time()}" savePath="/end_time" />
<!-- Fetch Events -->
<CallEndpoint url="${/server}/${/apiVersion}/incidents/records" method="GET" savePath="/get_logs" >
<QueryParameter name="format" value="leef" />
<QueryParameter name="api_key" value="${/apiKey}" />
<QueryParameter name="from_time" value="${/start_time}" />
<QueryParameter name="to_time" value="${/end_time}" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Checking for errors." />
<!-- Handle Errors -->
<If condition="/get_logs/status_code != 200">
<Abort reason="${/get_logs/status_code}: ${/get_logs/status_message}" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Splitting the event string by [\r\n] into an array object" />
<!-- Split the raw event list based of "\r\n-->
<Split value="${/get_logs/body}" delimiter="\r\n" savePath="/values" />
<!-- Post Events -->
<If condition="count(/values) > 1" >
<PostEvents path="/values" source="" />
<If condition="not empty(/values[0])" >
<Set path="/successOrError" value="${substring(/values[0],2,7)}" />
<If condition="/successOrError = 'error'">
<Abort reason="${/values[0]}" />
<PostEvents path="/values" source="" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Updating the bookmark value to the latest time." />
<!-- Update Bookmark -->
<If condition="time() > /bookmarkRecords + /queryTimeInterval" >
<Set path="/bookmarkRecords" value="${/bookmarkRecords + /queryTimeInterval}" />
<Set path="/bookmarkRecords" value="${time()}" />
<Set path="/doOnceMore" value="0" />
<Sleep duration="5000" />
<Set path="/doOnceMore" value="1" />
<While condition="time() > /bookmarkAlerts + /queryTimeInterval or /doOnceMore = 1">
<!-- Get the start/end date. start_time=bookmark. End_time is the bookmark time + X seconds (userconfigurable) -->
<FormatDate pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" timeZone="UTC" time="${/bookmarkAlerts}" savePath="/start_time" />
<If condition="time() > /bookmarkRecords + /queryTimeInterval" >
<FormatDate pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" timeZone="UTC" time="${/bookmarkAlerts + /queryTimeInterval}" savePath="/end_time" />
<FormatDate pattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" timeZone="UTC" time="${time()}" savePath="/end_time" />
<!-- Fetch Events -->
<CallEndpoint url="${/server}/${/apiVersion}/incidents/alerts" method="GET" savePath="/get_logs" >
<QueryParameter name="format" value="leef" />
<QueryParameter name="api_key" value="${/apiKey}" />
<QueryParameter name="from_time" value="${/start_time}" />
<QueryParameter name="to_time" value="${/end_time}" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Checking for errors." />
<!-- Handle Errors -->
<If condition="/get_logs/status_code != 200">
<Abort reason="${/get_logs/status_code}: ${/get_logs/status_message}" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Splitting the event string by [\r\n] into an array object" />
<!-- Split the raw event list based of "\r\n-->
<Split value="${/get_logs/body}" delimiter="\r\n" savePath="/values" />
<!-- Post Events -->
<If condition="count(/values) > 1" >
<PostEvents path="/values" source="" />
<If condition="not empty(/values[0])" >
<Set path="/successOrError" value="${substring(/values[0],2,7)}" />
<If condition="/successOrError = 'error'">
<Abort reason="${/values[0]}" />
<PostEvents path="/values" source="" />
<Log type="DEBUG" message="Updating the bookmark value to the latest time." />
<!-- Update Bookmark -->
<If condition="time() > /bookmarkAlerts + /queryTimeInterval" >
<Set path="/bookmarkAlerts" value="${/bookmarkAlerts + /queryTimeInterval}" />
<Set path="/bookmarkAlerts" value="${time()}" />
<Set path="/doOnceMore" value="0" />
<Sleep duration="5000" />
<DNSResolutionTest host="${/server}" />
<TCPConnectionTest host="${/server}" />
<HTTPConnectionThroughProxyTest url="${/server}" expectedResponseStatus="404" />
Seculert default workflow parameters
The following example shows the default workflow parameters for Seculert:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<WorkflowParameterValues xmlns="">
<Value name="apiKey" value="" />
<Value name="queryTimeInterval" value="900000" />
<Value name="server" value="" />
<Value name="apiVersion" value="1.1" />