Configuring SOAP API credentials for BES server plug-in service for HCL BigFix on a Linux server

Configuring SOAP API credentials for BES server on your Linux® server requires that specific steps be followed.

Before you begin

HCL BigFix® is formerly known as IBM BigFix. The name remains as IBM BigFix in QRadar.


To configure SOAP API credentials for BES server on your Linux server, follow these steps.
  1. Open the /var/opt/BESServer/Applications/SOAPCredentials file.
  2. Replace the <SOAPUsername> with the user name of the account that has access to the file.
  3. Replace the <SOAPPassword> with the password of the account that has access to the file.
  4. Replace the <WRHTTP> with the Web Reports URL of the account that has access to the file.

For more information about configuring SOAP API credentials, see the BigFix Server Plugin Service installation and setup article.