Trend Micro Apex Central DSM specifications

When you configure the Trend Micro Apex Central, understanding the specifications for the Trend Micro Apex Central DSM can help ensure a successful integration. For example, knowing what the supported version of Trend Micro Apex Central is before you begin can help reduce frustration during the configuration process.

The following table describes the specifications for the Trend Micro Apex Central DSM.

Table 1. Trend Micro Apex Central DSM specifications
Specification Value
Manufacturer Trend Micro
DSM name Trend Micro Apex Central
RPM file name DSM-TrendMicroApexCentral-QRadar_version-build_number.noarch.rpm
Supported version 1
Protocol Syslog, TLS syslog
Event format CEF
Recorded event types

Attack discovery detection logs

Behavior monitoring logs

C&C callback logs

Content security logs

Data loss prevention logs

Device access control logs

Endpoint application control logs

Engine update status log

Intrusion prevention logs

Network content inspection logs

Pattern Update Status Logs

Predictive machine learning logs

Sandbox detection logs

Spyware/Grayware logs

Suspicious file logs

Virus/Malware logs

Web security logs

Automatically discovered? Yes
Includes identity? No
Includes custom properties? No
More information Trend Micro Apex Central website (