LOCATTAG command

The LOCATTAG command locates a tagged member in the selection list.

This is a main command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramLOCATTAGL+columnvaluerelation' text'" text"


An MSL display column heading abbreviation.
A valid attribute value for Column.
An applicable relation operator.
A search string text within members.

Usage notes

A member tag is a non-blank label preceded by + in PROMPT column.

See TAG command assist for how to tag members.

The search starts at current row down the list for ascending sort order, or up the list for descending sort order.

The RFIND command invokes the recent LOCATE Column Value Relation or corresponding FINDTEXT String command.

When Column is omitted, it defaults to primary SORT column.

When relation operator is omitted, it defaults to =.

The primary sort column heading is highlighted.

Date field value of a negative number indicates recent number of days.

The following date field special values are also acceptable:

-0    -1     -7   -15    -31   -122    -365.

The following operators are acceptable:

.EQ   equal
.LO   low
.HI   high
.LE   low or equal
.HE   high or equal,
.NE   not equal
.LT   less
.GT   greater
.GE   greater or equal
.CO   contain
.BW   begin with
.EW   end with
-EQ   not equal
-LO   not low
-HI   not high
-NE   equal
-LE   high
-HE   low
=     equal
<     low
>     high
-     not
{     begin with
}     end with
<>    not equal
><    not equal
-=    not equal
=-    not equal
=>    equal or high
<=    low or equal
>=    high or equal
{}    contain
}{    does not contain
-{}   does not contain


L+ ID IBM {}    Locate next tagged member saved by a user-id that contains IBM.
L+ MIKE01       For a list sorted by MEMBER column, locate tagged member
                name MIKE01 or the closest tagged member name.
L+ 1000.LT      For a list sorted by INIT column, locate a tagged member
                that was created with more than 1000 records.
L+ x'AB12ef'    Locate a tagged member with a record that constains a
                string of a hexadecimal number AB12EF.
L+ "X'123'"     Locate a tagged member with a record that constains a
                string of text characters X'123'.