IBM Copy Services Manager

IBM® Copy Services Manager facilitates the use and management of Copy Services functions such as the remote mirror and copy functions (Metro Mirror and Global Mirror) and the point-in-time function (FlashCopy®).

IBM Copy Services Manager provides a graphical interface that you can use for configuring and managing Copy Services functions across storage units. These data-copy services maintain consistent copies of data on source volumes that are managed by Replication Manager.

IBM Copy Services Manager for FlashCopy, Metro Mirror, and Global Mirror support provides automation of administration and configuration of these services, operational control (starting, suspending, resuming), Copy Services tasks, and monitoring and managing of copy sessions.

IBM Copy Services Manager supports Multiple Target PPRC for data replication from a single primary site to two secondary sites simultaneously.

IBM Copy Services Manager is part of IBM Spectrum Control™ software program. If you are licensed for Copy Services functions, you can use IBM Spectrum Control to manage your Copy Services environment.

  1. You can connect to a storage system on a hardware management console (HMC) by using the IBM Copy Services Manager.
  2. The use of Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) are both supported through the HMC ports.

For more information, see the IBM Tivoli® Storage Productivity Center online product documentation.