
The rmpprc command removes a Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship or removes a single volume ID.

You can remove a single volume ID when a disaster occurs, which allows you to specify only the available volume and not both the primary and secondary volumes. You must specify either the -at src parameter option or the -at tgt parameter option when you process a single volume. If neither of these options are specified in the rmpprc command, a single volume cannot be processed. The -unconditional parameter must also be specified when you process a single volume; otherwise, an error occurs and the command process fails.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>- rmpprc -+--------------------------+------------------------>
            '- -dev-- storage_image_ID '   

   '- -remotedev-- storage_image_ID '  '- -at--+- src +-'   
                                               '- tgt '     

   '- -unconditional-'  '- -quiet '   

>--+- SourceVolumeID:TargetVolumeID -+--------+-+--------------><
   |                                 '-  ... -' |   
   '-  "-" -------------------------------------'   


  1. When you specify subsystem IDs, the source and target volumes are restricted to one LSS for the source and one LSS for the target.
  2. If there is a communication problem between the primary server and the secondary server (two-site configuration) when the rmpprc command is issued, the following actions occur:
    • Error message CMUN03012E is issued. This error message indicates that there was a communication problem between the primary and secondary server and that the transaction has failed. However, a partial removal of the pair relationship has occurred.
    • The pair relationship is ended on either the primary volumes or the secondary volumes and the volumes that had the relationship removed enter a simplex state. If a volume is in a simplex state, the volume is not in a Copy Services relationship.

    If this circumstance has occurred, reissue the rmpprc command using the -at src or the -at tgt parameter and the -unconditional parameter for each volume that does not have its pair relationship removed.

    The following list represents the format of the rmpprc command when you must remove a partial pair relationship:
    • If the source volume has not been removed from the pair relationship, enter the rmpprc command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:
      dscli> rmpprc -dev storage_image_ID -at src 
      -unconditional SourceVolumeID
    • If the target volume has not been removed from the pair relationship, enter the rmpprc command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:
      dscli> rmpprc -dev storage_image_ID -at tgt 
      -unconditional TargetVolumeID

      The value of the storage image ID must be the secondary server.

      The management console must be able to communicate with the secondary server for this command to process successfully.

  3. If a disaster occurs involving a three-site configuration, the rmpprc command with the -at tgt and -unconditional parameters are used in the recovery process.
-dev storage_image_ID
(Optional). Specifies the source storage image ID, which includes manufacturer, machine type, and serial number. The storage image ID is required if you do not specify a fully qualified ID for all source volumes, do not set the devid variable in your profile or through the setenv command, and the HMC is aware of more than one storage image. Using the -dev parameter temporarily overrides any defined value for devid for the current command.
For DS8000, example: IBM.2107-75FA120
-remotedev storage_image_ID
(Optional most times). Specifies the target storage image ID, which includes manufacturer, machine type, and serial number.
Note: The -remotedev parameter is required when volume pairs are specified and the -dev parameter is specified, as well.
For DS6000, example: IBM.1750-68FA150
-at src | tgt
(Optional). Specifies that you want to initiate a break action from either a source volume or a target volume.
Select the -at src parameter option to initiate a break action from the source volume. After the task successfully runs, the source and target volumes are in the simplex state.
Select the -at tgt parameter option to initiate a break action from the target volume. After the command successfully runs, the target volume is in the simplex state, but there is no guarantee that the source volume state will change. For a break action issued to the target, the source can remain in the suspend state.
The -at tgt parameter option can also be used with single volumes but you must also specify the -unconditional parameter. When you specify a single volume using this parameter, the volume is treated as a target and the source is treated as a null.
  1. If you specify the -at tgt or -at src parameter and the -unconditional parameter, the value for the -remotedev parameter is ignored.
  2. If you specify the -at tgt parameter and do not specify the -unconditional parameter, the values for the -dev and SourceVolumeID parameters are ignored.
  3. If you specify the -at src parameter and do not specify the -unconditional parameter, the values for the -remotedev and TargetVolumeID parameters are ignored.
(Optional). Specifies that a source or target volume has been selected individually, and not as a pair. The -unconditional parameter is valid only if the -at parameter is selected. Do not use volume pair IDs.
  1. The source volume ID must be specified when you specify the -at src parameter.
  2. The target volume ID must be specified when you specify the -at tgt parameter.
(Optional). Turns off the Remote Mirror and Copy relationship removal confirmation prompt for this command.
SourceVolumeID:TargetVolumeID ... | -
(Required). Specifies the Remote Mirror and Copy volume relationship for the source and target volume pairs that is to be removed.
Note: Provide a single volume ID instead of a volume pair if you use the -unconditional parameter. Specifying pairs results in a format error.
This parameter accepts fully qualified volume IDs, which includes storage image IDs or a shortened version without storage image IDs, if the -dev parameter is specified. You must separate multiple Remote Mirror and Copy pair IDs with spaces.
A Remote Mirror and Copy pair ID consists of two volume IDs, one designated as the source and the other as the target volume for a Remote Mirror and Copy relationship. You must separate the two volume IDs of a Remote Mirror and Copy pair ID with a colon and no space. The first volume ID is the source volume. The second volume ID is the target volume.
The volume ID is a 32-bit number that can be represented as four hexadecimal digits in the form of XYZZ, where:
XY (for a DS8000 model)
Specifies the logical subsystem number, 00 - FE.
XY (for a DS6000 model)
Specifies the logical subsystem number, 00 - 1E.
ZZ (for DS6000 and DS8000 models)
Specifies the volume number, 00 - FF.
X (for DS6000 and DS8000 models)
Specifies the address group, 0 - 1.
The ellipsis (...) indicates that, optionally, you can specify multiple values. If you use the dash (-), the specified value is read from standard input. However, you cannot use the dash (-) while you are in the DS CLI interactive command mode.


Invoking the rmpprc command
dscli> rmpprc -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 
-remotedev IBM.2107-75FA150 0100:0100
The resulting output
Are you sure you want to delete the Remote Mirror and Copy 
volume pair relationship 0100:0100? [y/n]: Y

Remote Mirror and Copy pair IBM.2107-75FA120/0100:0100
 successfully removed.