Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer Utility installation

The Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer Utility can be installed through the graphical, console, or unattended (silent) mode.

Before you begin

Download the heat map transfer utility package from IBM support: Fix Central (IBM® Support: Fix Central )

To install the Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer Utility on Linux, you must first mount the ISO installation file.

About this task

Note: The installers for the supported host systems are in the following directories:
  • Linux (RedHat, SUSE): images/HeatMapTransferUtility\Disk1\InstData\Linux\VM\install.bin.
  • Windows: images/HeatMapTransferUtility\Disk1\InstData\Windows\VM\install.exe.
From the command line interface, use the -i flag to specify a user interface mode for the installation. For instance, -i [graphical | console | silent]. The default installation mode is graphical. You do not have to specify the mode in the command unless you want to use something other than the default mode.

In console mode, type back to return to the previous screen, or quit to exit the installation. Some operating systems require restarting after installation is completed. If necessary, open a new command prompt window to start a heat map transfer utility session.