Mirroring Paths

The Mirroring Paths page displays a list of existing remote mirror and copy path definitions. You can use the Export to CSV button to export the information to a CSV file.

The fully qualified unique Port ID for the source storage system.
Remote Port
The fully qualified unique Port ID for the remote storage system.
The current remote mirror and copy path state:
The path is established and it is operating normally.
The path is in an unknown state.
Failed (reason)
The path is not established and failed. See reason for an explanation of the failure.
Degraded (reason)
The path is established, but with degraded performance. See reason for an explanation of the failure.
When the state is Failed or Degraded, the following reasons for the failure are displayed.
Configuration Error
A path failed for one of the following reasons:
  • The specification of the SA ID does not match the installed ESCON adapter cards in the primary controller.
  • For ESCON paths, the secondary control unit destination address is zero and an ESCON Director (switch) was found in the path.
  • For ESCON paths, the secondary control unit destination address is nonzero and an ESCON Director does not exist in the path. The path is a direct connection.
Delete the original entry and resubmit the mkpprcpath command.
An FCP path failed because of a communication or hardware failure.
Primary Login Exceeded
The maximum number of log ins for each source FCP path was exceeded.
Retry Exceeded
The maximum number of times that the storage system tried to reestablish FCP paths was exceeded.
Secondary Login Exceeded
The maximum number of log ins for each FCP path to the secondary LSS was exceeded. The FCP target is unavailable.
Secondary Unavailable
An FCP path to the secondary LSS is unavailable.
Primary No Resources
No resources are available at the source site for the logical paths to be established.
The number of attempts to reestablish a path connection.
Secondary Mismatch
A mismatch occurred that involves the secondary control unit sequence number or the LSS.
Secondary No Resources
Resources are not available at the secondary LSS to establish logical paths.
Secondary LSS Mismatch
A mismatch of the secondary control unit LSS ID occurred, or a failure of the I/O that collects secondary information for validation occurred.
A timeout occurred. No reason is available.
Not Properly Configured
The primary Fibre Channel adapter is not configured properly, or it is not loaded with the correct version of microcode.
Secondary Not PPRC Capable
The Fibre Channel path from the secondary adapter is not capable of processing a remote mirror and copy path. This issue can occur from one of the following reasons:
  • The secondary adapter is not configured properly, or it is not loaded with the correct version of microcode.
  • The secondary adapter is already a target of 32 different storage systems.
ESCON Channel Direction
The primary control unit port or link cannot be converted to channel mode because a logical path is already established on the port or link. The establish path operations are not automatically retried within the control unit.
ESCON Initialization Failed
Initialization for the ESCON protocol failed.
ESCON Link Offline
The ESCON link is offline. This problem is caused by the lack of light detection coming from a host, peer, or switch.
Path Degraded Due to High Failure Rate
A Fibre Channel path is established; however, because of the high failure rate, the path is degraded.
Path Removed Due to High Failure Rate
The Fibre Channel path link was removed because the path experienced a high failure rate.
System Reserved Path
The system has reserved resources for a remote mirror and copy path, for example, after a failoverpprc or a freezepprc command is used. The resources can be used later, such as for the failbackpprc command. In most cases, no action is required. If it is known that a system reserved path is not required, it can be removed with the rmpprcpath command only after no remote mirror and copy pairs remain between the LSSs.
A two-digit hexadecimal value that identifies the logical subsystem (LSS) on the source storage system.
Remote LSS
A two-digit hexadecimal value that identifies the logical subsystem (LSS) on the remote storage system.
Target WWNN
The worldwide node name (WWNN) of the remote storage system.
The worldwide port name (WWPN) of the source storage system.
Remote Port WWNN
The worldwide port name (WWPN) of the remote storage system.
Consistency Group
Indicates whether the remote mirror and copy consistency group is enabled.