Reestablishing the FlashCopy relationships between B volumes and C volumes

Complete this task to reestablish the FlashCopy® relationships between your B volumes and C volumes. This is the eighth step in using the Global Mirror disaster recovery process.

About this task

In this task, you are reestablishing the FlashCopy relationships between the B volumes and C volumes that were established for Global Mirror operations before the disaster occurred. The task is not much different than the one that you used to establish FlashCopy relationships during the setup of your Global Mirror environment.

Complete the following steps to create FlashCopy relationships between the B volumes and the C volumes. The example command in this task is shown in two formats. The first format shows the type of information that the command requires. The second format provides the command with declared values for the variables.

Note: You can enter the commands that are described in the steps for a DS8000®model.


  1. Issue the mkflash command to create FlashCopy relationships at the remote site between the Global Copy secondary volumes and the FlashCopy target volumes. Enter the mkflash command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:

    dscli> mkflash -dev storage_image_ID -tgtinhibit -persist -record -nocp


    dscli> mkflash -dev IBM.2107-75FA150 -tgtinhibit -record 
    -persist -nocp 0001:0004
    1. Specify the secondary storage system MTS (which has become the primary storage system because of the disaster) for the -dev storage_image_ID parameter.
    2. Use the -tgtinhibit parameter to inhibit writes on the target volume.
    3. Use the -record parameter to activate change recording on the volume pair.
    4. Use the -persist parameter to retain the FlashCopy relationship after the background copy completes.
    5. Use the -nocp parameter to inhibit the background copy.
    6. The source_volume_ID is the value associated with the B volumes and the target_volume_ID is the value associated with the C volumes.
  2. Use the lsflash command to check the status of the FlashCopy relationships after you have processed the mkflash command.

What to do next

After you have reestablished the FlashCopy relationships, you can start host I/O processing at the remote site on the B volumes. The production operation on the remote site, in this configuration, remains until you are ready to return production to the local site.