Preparing a nonraised floor for the earthquake resistance kit
You must prepare a nonraised floor before an earthquake resistance kit can be installed
on any frame in your storage system.
About this task
To ensure that you meet all site requirements, obtain the service of a qualified consultant or
structural engineer to help you prepare the floor.
Figure 1 provides an illustration
of the earthquake resistance kit ( 1 ) after the IBM service representative installs it on the nonraised floor.
Before the IBM service representative installs the kit, you must prepare
the area that is shown as 2 in Figure 1. This figure shows two of the
most common fasteners that you can use.Figure 1. Earthquake resistance kit installed on a nonraised floor.
Use the following steps to prepare your nonraised floor:
Obtain eight fastener sets for each frame that uses the earthquake resistance kit.
These fastener sets are used to secure the earthquake resistance kit load plate. The type of
fastener set that you use can be determined by your consultant or structural engineer. However, each
bolt or stud must meet the following specifications:
Each fastener set must withstand a 2400-pound pull force.
The fasteners must have a dimension that fits into the load plate holes, which are each 21 mm
(0.826 in.) in diameter.
The fasteners must be long enough to extend through and securely fasten a load plate that is 3.0
cm (1.2 in.) thick. The fasteners must also be short enough so that the height of the installed
fastener does not exceed 6.5 cm (2.5 in.). This maximum height ensures that the fastener can fit
under the frame.
The following examples provide descriptions of nonraised floor fastener sets. Figure 1 illustrates the fastener sets.
Threaded hole insert that is secured into the concrete floor and a bolt (with a washer) that
screws into the insert
Threaded stud that is secured into the concrete floor with a nut (with a washer) that screws
over it
Work with your consultant or structural engineer and use the following guidelines to install
the fasteners in the concrete floor:
Use Figure 2 to determine the
placement of the loadplate fasteners (four per loadplate). The pattern repeats for each frame.
Dimensions are in millimeters (mm).
Ensure that the installed fasteners do not exceed a height of 65 mm (2.5 in.) from the floor.
This maximum height ensures that the fastener can fit under the frame.
Ensure that the installation allows the fasteners to meet the required pull force after they are
installed (2400-pound pull force).
If you use a threaded bolt that secures into a threaded insert in the floor and the bolt extends
longer than 30 mm (1.2 in.), which is the thickness of the load plate, consider using a jam nut and
a washer on the shaft of the bolt so that the load plate can be secured snugly to the floor. Talk to
your consultant or structural engineer to determine whether a jam nut is necessary.
Figure 2. Location for fastener installation (nonraised floor)
When the IBM service representative arrives to install the earthquake
resistance kit, provide the other fastener parts ( 2 ) in Figure 1 so that the representative can
use these parts secure the load plates onto the floor.