Complete this task to prevent (inhibit) host write operations
on FlashCopy® target volumes.
By inhibiting writes on the target volume, you ensure that the target
is an uncorrupted incremental backup.
About this task
Use the mkflash command with the -tgtinhibit
parameter to prevent host write operations on the target volume. When you use the
-tgtinhibit parameter, the change recording feature is not active on the target
volume. Write operations are not allowed on the target volume; therefore, the change recording
bitmap for the target volume is not modified.Note: By default, when you enter a
mkflash command with the -record and
-persist parameters, the FlashCopy
relationship is established to act as an incremental FlashCopy. In addition, by default, when you enter the setflashrevertible
command to a FlashCopy volume pair, the source volume of
the volume pair is write-inhibited. This allows the FlashCopy relationship to revert (change back) to a previous consistent state, if needed.
can complete this task using either the DS CLI or the DS8000®
Storage Management GUI.
the following steps to prevent (inhibit) host write operations on FlashCopy target volumes with DS CLI commands. The example commands in
this task are shown in two formats. The first format shows the type of information the command
requires. The second format is an example command with declared values for the
Issue the mkflash command with the -tgtinhibit parameter to prevent host write operations
on the target volume of the FlashCopy relationships that you create. Enter the mkflash command at the dscli command prompt with the following
parameters and variables: dscli> mkflash -dev storage_image_ID -tgtinhibit sourcevolumeID:targetvolumeID
dscli> mkflash -dev IBM.2107-75FA150 -tgtinhibit 0001:0004
A confirmation message is displayed for each successful FlashCopy pair that is created.