Creating a persistent FlashCopy relationship
Complete this task to create a persistent FlashCopy® relationship that remains even after the FlashCopy operation completes.
About this task
You can complete this task using either the DS CLI or the DS8000® Storage Management GUI.
Complete the following step to create a persistent FlashCopy relationship. The example commands in this task are shown in two formats. The first format shows the type of information the command requires. The second format is an example command with declared values for the variables.
Issue the mkflash command with the -persist parameter to create a persistent FlashCopy relationship. Enter the mkflash command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:dscli> mkflash -dev storage_image_ID -persist sourcevolumeID:targetvolumeID
Exampledscli> mkflash -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 -persist 0100:0200
The resulting
FlashCopy pair 0100:0200 successfully created.