Creating a FlashCopy relationship
Complete this task to create a FlashCopy® relationship between a source and target volume that enables a point-in-time copy of a source volume onto a target volume.
About this task
When you enter a FlashCopy command with the background copy option, the FlashCopy relationship is established but it is put in a queue for background copying. The time difference between the submission and actual start time of the task depends on the number of FlashCopy relationships that are currently copying in the background or waiting in the queue. When the copy processing starts, the status displays as "background copy running" for that FlashCopy volume pair.
- At the data set level, the maximum number of FlashCopy relationships allowed on a volume is 65534. If that number is exceeded, the FlashCopy operation fails.
- With full volume FlashCopy, a source volume can be in FlashCopy and FlashCopy Space Efficient
relationships with a maximum of 12 target volumes. If that number is exceeded, the FlashCopy
operation fails. Of the up to 12 FlashCopy relationships, only one incremental FlashCopy
relationship is allowed.
With FlashCopy Space Efficient, a source volume can be in FlashCopy and FlashCopy Space Efficient relationships with a maximum of 12 target volumes. If that number is exceeded, the FlashCopy operation fails.
You can complete this task using either the DS CLI or the DS8000 Storage Management GUI.
Complete the following steps to create FlashCopy relationships using the DS CLI commands. The example commands in this task are shown in two formats. The first format shows the type of information the command requires. The second format is an example command with declared values for the variables.