Applying the FlashCopy revertible option to existing FlashCopy relationships

Complete this task to prepare for disaster recovery of a FlashCopy® consistency group in a Global Mirror configuration. Issue the setflashrevertible command to a FlashCopy relationship with the persistent, change recording, target write inhibit, and no copy options enabled, and the revertible option disabled. It is not valid to enter the setflashrevertible command to a FlashCopy relationship that is already revertible.

Before you begin

The setflashrevertible command modifies a FlashCopy volume pair that is part of a Global Mirror relationship to revertible. If a failure occurs on the primary site during a Global Mirror create FlashCopy consistency group process and if that failure results in an inconsistency of the FlashCopy consistency group target volumes, you might be able to correct the inconsistency either by discarding changes or committing changes to the target volumes. The revertible option allows data to be committed to the target to form a new consistency group or to be reverted to the last consistency group. The setflashrevertible command must be run before the FlashCopy pair can be committed or reverted. You must have previously created a FlashCopy relationship with the persistent, change recording, target write inhibit, and no copy options enabled. The FlashCopy Revertible option must be disabled before beginning this task. It is not valid to complete the FlashCopy Revertible task on a FlashCopy relationship that is already revertible.

About this task

The FlashCopy Revertible task restarts an existing FlashCopy volume pair with the revertible option enabled for disaster recovery. The FlashCopy Revertible option remains in effect until the commit changes or discard changes task is completed. Both the commit changes and discard changes tasks disable the FlashCopy revertible option.

You can complete the FlashCopy Revertible task using either the DS CLI or the DS8000® Storage Management GUI.

Complete the following steps to apply the revertible option to existing FlashCopy relationships with DS CLI commands. The example commands in this task are shown in two formats. The first format shows the type of information that the command requires. The second format is an example command with declared values for the variables.

  1. The -nocp, -record, -persist, and -tgtinhibit (target inhibit) parameters are included automatically when this command processes.


Issue the setflashrevertible command to apply the revertible option to existing FlashCopy relationships. Enter the setflashrevertible command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:

dscli> setflashrevertible -dev storage_image_ID sourcevolumeID:targetvolumeID

Note: Specify the storage unit for the -dev storage_image_ID parameter. This parameter is required if you do not specify a fully qualified ID for the source and target volumes and you do not specify a value for the devid variable in your profile file.


dscli> setflashrevertible -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 0100:0200
The resulting output
FlashCopy volume pair 0100:0200 successfully
made revertible.