Adding volumes to a session (Global Mirror)

Complete this task to add volumes to a Global Mirror session.

About this task

You can add Global Copy primary volumes to a Global Mirror session at any time after the Global Mirror session has started without stopping the session. If you attempt to add a Metro Mirror volume or volumes which, for example, is converted from Global Copy to Metro Mirror, the formation of the consistency group fails.

Volumes can be added to a Global Mirror session but do not become active in the session until the Global Copy pair has completed its first pass and a consistent copy of the data has been formed at the remote site.

If you have many volumes that you want to add to a Global Mirror session, you might consider adding them to the session in stages. This lessens the impact on your processing.

Complete the following steps to add volumes to a Global Mirror session. The example commands in this task are shown in two formats. The first format shows the type of information that the command requires. The second format provides the command with declared values for the variables.


  1. Issue the lspprc command to obtain a list of the Global Copy volumes that you can add to the Global Mirror session. A detailed report is displayed (if you use the -l parameter) that allows you to see the available volumes. Enter the lspprc command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:

    dscli> lspprc -dev storage_image_ID -remotedev storage_image_ID -l SourceVolumeID:TargetVolumeID.


    dscli> lspprc -dev IBM.2107-75FA120
    -remotedev IBM.2107-75FA150 -l 0100:0100
  2. Issue the chsession command to add the available volumes to a Global Mirror session. Enter the chsession command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:

    dscli> chsession -dev storage_image_ID -lss LSS_ID -action add -volume volume_ID session_ID


    dscli> chsession -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 -lss 10
    -action add -volume 0100-010F 01

    A confirmation message indicates that the session has been modified successfully.

  3. Issue the lssession command to query the status of all volumes being processed including the volumes that you added to the session. Enter the lssession command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:

    dscli> lssession -dev storage_image_ID -l LSS_ID

    dscli> lssession -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 -l 01

    When you use the -l parameter, a detailed report displays a list of Global Mirror sessions for the specified logical subsystem (LSS) and information about the volumes of each session in the list.