Ending a Global Mirror session

Complete this task to end a Global Mirror session. In addition to ending a single session, this task is also the second step that you use when you remove the Global Mirror environment from your system.

About this task

Each session that you have created for Global Mirror processing must be ended individually. You cannot designate that a range of sessions be ended. Ending a session does not remove the volume or path associations. Each of these must be removed in their own way.

Complete the following steps to end a Global Mirror session. The example commands in this task are shown in two formats. The first format shows the type of information that the command requires. The second format provides the command with declared values for the variables.

Note: You can enter the commands that are described in the steps either for aDS8000 model or for a DS6000 model, but for the DS6000 model, the storage image ID is different.


  1. Issue the lssession command to obtain a list of all sessions that are associated with the specified logical subsystem. Enter the lssession command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:

    dscli> lssession -dev storage_image_ID -s LSS_ID


    dscli> lssession -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 -s 01
    Note: For the circumstance described in this task, it is better to include the -s parameter. The -s parameter creates a report with the following three items of information:
    • LSSID
    • Session number
    • Volume numbers
  2. Print the report or record the session numbers that need to be ended.
  3. Issue the rmsession command to end the specified session. Enter the rmsession command at the dscli command prompt with the following parameters and variables:

    dscli> rmsession -dev storage_image_ID -lss ID session_ID


    dscli> rmsession -dev IBM.2107-75FA120 -lss 10 01
  4. Enter Y to respond to the message that requests that you confirm that you want to end the specified session. A message like the following example is displayed when you process the rmsession command.
    Are you sure you want to close Session ID 01? y/n Y
    Global Mirror Session ID 01 closed successfully.
  5. Repeat Step 3 for each session that you want to end.