Creating the Global Mirror session
Complete this task to create a Global Mirror session. This is the fourth step in setting up your Global Mirror environment. After you complete this step you are ready to start Global Mirror processing.
Before you begin
The following tasks must be completed before you can proceed with this step.
- Ensure that the Fibre Channel paths between all Global Mirror source and target pairs and between the master and subordinate storage systems have been created.
- Ensure that the Global Copy pairs have been created between the local storage systems and the remote storage systems.
- Ensure that the FlashCopy® relationships at the remote site between the Global Copy secondary volumes and the FlashCopy target volumes have been created.
About this task
The purpose of this step is to create a container that associates volumes with a Global Mirror session.
Complete the following steps to create the Global Mirror session. The example commands in this task are shown in two formats. The first format shows the type of information that the command requires. The second format provides the command with declared values for the variables.
Note: You can enter the commands that are described in the steps either for
aDS8000 model or for a DS6000 model, but for the DS6000 model, the storage image ID is