Metro Mirror and Metro Global Mirror configuration

Multi-Target PPRC supports a local Metro Mirror pair and a remote Metro Global Mirror pair configuration.

At the local h1 site, this configuration looks the same as having only two Metro Mirror pairs. However, the recovery scenarios, after a failure of site h1, are different because there is the Global Mirror relationship from the h3 to h4 volumes to consider.

If a failure occurs at site h1, production can be swapped to either the h2 or h3 site. A swap to h2 results in a Metro Global Mirror configuration from the h2, h3, and h4 sites as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Multi-Target PPRC configuration
This figure represents a Metro Mirror and Metro Global Mirror configuration

A swap to h3 results in a Metro Mirror and Global Mirror configuration with a Metro Mirror relationship between the h3 and h2 volumes and a Global Mirror relationship between the h3 and h4 volumes.

Figure 2 shows a scenario where h3 has three secondary volumes, h1, h2 and h4. Because h2 and h4 are both active secondaries of h3, a set of Multi-Target Incremental Resync pairs are created between even though there might not be any intention of using them.
Figure 2. Multi-Target PPRC configuration
This figure represents a Metro Mirror and Metro Global Mirror configuration