Configuring remote event notification

You can receive storage system event notifications on up to eight remote servers through an Ethernet network.

About this task

Configuring the remote event notification feature requires you to specify the following parameters:
  1. IP address and port of the remote syslog receiver (a minimum of three servers are supported, each through a different port)
  2. Minimum message severity for each syslog receiver. (For instance, all syslog messages of Information level severity or above.)
  3. Facility (ranging from local0 through local7) for each syslog receiver


Complete the following steps from the DS8000® Storage Management GUI to add a Syslog server on which to receive remote event notifications.

  1. In the DS8000 Storage Management GUI navigation, select Settings > Notifications.
  2. On the Syslog pane, select the Add Syslog Server tab.
  3. Enter the IP address in x.x.x.x format.
  4. Enter a port number for the system connection to the server. (The default port number is 514.)
  5. Click Add.


If successful, the added Syslog server displays in the table with an indication of the Online state. If necessary, any displayed Syslog server can be modified, activated, deactivated, or removed by right-clicking on a highlighted table entry and selecting from the menu.